28th Day of the Challenge

Today is the twenty eighth day of the Slice of Life Challenge. I can’t believe it is almost over! I’ll tell you about when and how we made a class mission statement.

One random day, my teacher said we were going to make a class mission statement like how they do it on the morning announcements. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t even know if I was happy about it! She said to come up with ideas with either a group or by yourself. I did it with a group of five including me.  Then, the next day, she said to come up with a mini class mission statement.  We made a really good one. It was really cool. The day after that, we voted on which ideas were good and which ones should be in our statement. Finally, the day after that, our mission statement was complete! It was a really fun process. We recite the mission statement every single day now!


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