8th Day of the Challenge

Today is the 8th day of the Challenge. I will tell you about today’s field trip. It was a field trip from Spectrum.


Today, we had the spectrum field trip. We went to this place called Exit Plan in Leesburg. It was really cool. There were three rooms. One was the Safe House, two was the Detention Room, and three was the S3R1AL killer room. I was in group 3, Safe House. It was really cool, but we had to wait for our turn. We were the third and last ones to go. Everyone that came out had to wait till we got there so that they didn’t spoil it.


While we were waiting we were given problem solving worksheets. We finished ours in our first thirty minutes and then realized we had about an hour and a half because one group would go for one hour, then the next would go for one hour.


We had our lunch at about 11:00. It was about forty-five minutes till it was our turn. When we finished lunch, we went to a different room where one guy that worked there was asking us riddles while we thought of the answers and said them out loud. It was finally 11:45, our turn! My dad was a chaperone, so he came in with us.


It was really cool. We had to search the whole place and look for clues. We finished that in about 10 minutes. Then we had to put our clues together to find even more hidden clues. There were all sorts of things that we had to get to and we had to hurry. There were two minutes left and we had to deactivate the bomb! There was one minute and forty seconds left when we deactivated it and got out. It was a great feeling. We deactivated it and finished! That was the end of our field trip and we went home. We thanked the guys who worked there and left!


If this sounded interesting to all of you guys, please try to visit Exit Plan, located in Leesburg.


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