11th Day of the Challenge

It’s the eleventh day of the Slice of Life Challenge and I can’t believe I’m still doing it. I’ll tell you about the time when we had so much snow, that we had no school for the whole week!


So, it was one Monday last year in February that we had almost 3 feet of snow. It was really cool, except for the first day when it was so cold that we couldn’t even go outside. But, on Tuesday, we went outside to see the snow. It was so cool! It was powdery hardish snow. It was perfect for sledding! It was also the second winter in my new home and we had the perfect hill for snowing. On the third day, we called over some friends of mine to play in the snow because the roads were cleaned. So we played on the hill in front of my house. I went so fast that I once ended up on the road! On the fourth day, I did nothing but study. It was boring. But at the end of that day, I watched a movie in my house. On the last day, I went to my cousin’s house because my parents had to go to work. We played minecraft, we made a video, and we made these cool emoji things. Then, the weekend came by so quickly, that we didn’t even notice it because of the whole week of school being closed.


Well, I wrote this because we didn’t have a big snowfall yet, here in Virginia and it’s already March! But, on the weather forecast, they’re saying there might be some snow on Monday night and Tuesday early morning, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for no school on Tuesday.


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