17th Day of the Challenge

Today is the seventeenth day of the Slice of Life Challenge. It is also St. Patrick’s Day. I will tell you about pi day, which, for us, happened today.

In math class today, we had pi day. It was supposed to be on the 15th, but we had a snow day. The real pi day si 3/14. There were three stations. One was food. Two was a pi crossword and word problems. The last and third one was a t-shirt decorating station. She gave us numbers and I got #3. I went to the t-shirt decorating station, where I decorated a blank t-shirt with a few things related to pi. Then, I went to the food station. I ate so much! There was mostly sugary foods. I was so full. I didn’t think I would even be hungry to eat lunch! Then, I went to the second station which was the one where there was a worksheet and a crossword. I barely even finished because I was talking with my friends. Then, the last part came. The pi memorization challenge. I got second. I said “3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716.” That was all I knew. That was one of my best days in middle school so far!

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