19th Day of the Challenge

Today is the nineteenth day of the challenge. I’ll tell you about my day today.


When I woke up, I was feeling really sick. My mom gave me some tylenol and advil. Then, I felt better again. Again, I had to sleep the whole day to “get better.” I was so tired. It was so boring! I wish I would never fall sick again. If I got to have a few wishes, it would be that I wouldn’t fall sick ever again. Then, I had to sleep again after I  woke up to eat lunch. It was such a boring, sick day.


18th Day of the Challenge

Today is the eighteenth day of the challenge. I’ll tell you about my day.


Today, I felt sick. My sister had a dress rehearsal for dance. I went with my family just to watch it. My other friends were there too. Then, when we came back home, I asked my mom to check my temperature, so she did. It was 101! That was way too much. I had to go to bed to get some rest. In the evening, we went to a surprise birthday party for my friend’s mom. She got really scared! I played with my friends after that. We played Clash Royale and tag. Then, we had to go. It was pretty bad for me since I was sick.

17th Day of the Challenge

Today is the seventeenth day of the Slice of Life Challenge. It is also St. Patrick’s Day. I will tell you about pi day, which, for us, happened today.

In math class today, we had pi day. It was supposed to be on the 15th, but we had a snow day. The real pi day si 3/14. There were three stations. One was food. Two was a pi crossword and word problems. The last and third one was a t-shirt decorating station. She gave us numbers and I got #3. I went to the t-shirt decorating station, where I decorated a blank t-shirt with a few things related to pi. Then, I went to the food station. I ate so much! There was mostly sugary foods. I was so full. I didn’t think I would even be hungry to eat lunch! Then, I went to the second station which was the one where there was a worksheet and a crossword. I barely even finished because I was talking with my friends. Then, the last part came. The pi memorization challenge. I got second. I said “3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716.” That was all I knew. That was one of my best days in middle school so far!

16th Day of the Challenge

Today is the sixteenth day of the Slice of Life Challenge. I will tell you about my fifth grade graduation. Also, I want to tell you that we did have school today.


It was June 10, 2016, the day of my sixth grade graduation. It started in school. It was first our DARE graduation. It wasn’t that good. But it was okay. In the evening was the actual good part.


In the evening was the time of the Fifth Grade graduation. The only bad part about it was that we had to wear plain white button shirts with dress pants. I hated that part, but everything else was great. First they did all the awards. The first award was for the Presidential Award for Academic Excellence. I was surprised to hear that I got it. In fact, I was the first name called! I felt great. I was up on stage shaking hands with my principal and vice principals while everybody else was watching. Then, more people came. Finally, when all the other awards were done, they came to the graduation certificates. I was, again, the first one to be called because my last name starts with “ad.” Then, when everybody else’s was over it was time to eat. But, unfortunately, I couldn’t because I had to attend my sister’s kindergarten graduation on the exact same day! I told my teacher and left. My mom was really excited because I got it because then she told me that I could get anything I wanted. I immediately said I wanted a phone but she said “You just got an iPod last year! Pick something real or else I won’t let you have anything!” Then, I said I’ll think about it. I still haven’t got anything for that prize until this day!

14th Day of the Challenge

Today is the fourteenth day of the challenge. I’ll tell you about my day today.


Today, we had a snow day. It snowed 3-5 inches last night! As soon as I woke up, I went to go normal morning things. When that was done, I went to the basement to play some xbox. I played NBA 2k16. I was the Warriors against the Cavaliers. Then, I played Warriors against 95-96 Bulls. Next, I went to go study. After that, it was my most favorite part. We went outside to go sledding. We went on a small hill in front of my house. When we came back in, we were freezing! It was about 5:00, Then, I just played more xbox and studied. It was fun! I hope we have a snow day tomorrow, because they said we were going to have a two hour delay and a possible school closure.

15th Day of the Challenge

Today is the fifteenth day of the Slice of Life Challenge. I’ll tell you about my day today.

It all started the day before when they announced a two hour delay, which, for me, means I get to sleep late. Then, the next day when I woke up, it was 9:45! I was worried I would be late for school. But then I put it all together. If my parents didn’t wake me up, it means we had no school! I was excited! I woke up, brushed, and went downstairs to see my sister playing on her iPad. I asked her if we had school. She said “No!” I got really excited. Then, I found out that my sister was going to her friend’s house to play whatever it is that they play. Then, at around 2:30, my mom dropped my friend and I at the gym to play basketball. We were there for about an hour and a half. Then, I came back home. My other friend came to my house to play, so we played in the basement. We played mini basketball and xbox. That’s when we figured out we would have a two hour delay tomorrow! I really hoped that would happen or we would have no school!

13th Day of the challenge

Today is the thirteenth day of the Slice of Life Challenge. I’ll tell you about today.

I was in math for sixth block when it all began. My friend said “Dude, you might have a pink eye. I think you should go to the nurse.” So I asked my teacher if I could go to the nurse. She immediately said “Of course. But make sure you don’t touch anything. I went to the nurse’s room for the first time since second grade. It was so weird. When I came in, she said “Sign in and have a seat. I’ll be right with you.” I felt a little weird. Finally, when she came, she told me to have a seat right in front of her. She asked me to tell my name and my student ID. I told it to her and she said “Are you here because you think you have a pink eye?” I said “Yes I am.” Then she asked if it’s itching or if it was watering. She also asked if I noticed it before this. I told her that I didn’t. Then, she told me it might just be a broken blood vessel near my eye. I started to relax, but there is still a big red area.

11th Day of the Challenge

It’s the eleventh day of the Slice of Life Challenge and I can’t believe I’m still doing it. I’ll tell you about the time when we had so much snow, that we had no school for the whole week!


So, it was one Monday last year in February that we had almost 3 feet of snow. It was really cool, except for the first day when it was so cold that we couldn’t even go outside. But, on Tuesday, we went outside to see the snow. It was so cool! It was powdery hardish snow. It was perfect for sledding! It was also the second winter in my new home and we had the perfect hill for snowing. On the third day, we called over some friends of mine to play in the snow because the roads were cleaned. So we played on the hill in front of my house. I went so fast that I once ended up on the road! On the fourth day, I did nothing but study. It was boring. But at the end of that day, I watched a movie in my house. On the last day, I went to my cousin’s house because my parents had to go to work. We played minecraft, we made a video, and we made these cool emoji things. Then, the weekend came by so quickly, that we didn’t even notice it because of the whole week of school being closed.


Well, I wrote this because we didn’t have a big snowfall yet, here in Virginia and it’s already March! But, on the weather forecast, they’re saying there might be some snow on Monday night and Tuesday early morning, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for no school on Tuesday.


12th Day of the Challenge

Today is the twelfth day of the challenge. I’ll tell you about my great day today. 
In the morning, it was daylight savings time, so we I woke up at 11:30, but it was really 10:30. I was surprised I slept so long, but then my parents said it was daylight savings time. I was happy because then I would have missed breakfast where I had pancakes. Then, my mom told me we were going to someone’s house to celebrate the Indian Festival of Colors. It was great! We ate lunch then went outside to play “Holi” which means to put colored powder on other people to celebrate the festival. Then, we came back home. I played outside with my dad. We played basketball since we have a basketball hoop. It was fun. The game ended at 10-8. I won. We were playing by ones only. Then, it was dinnertime. For dessert, I ate some ice cream cake from a birthday last night. That was what ended the day.

10th Day of the Challenge

Today is the tenth day of the Slice of Life Challenge. I’ll tell you about my 10th birthday.


Since it was my tenth birthday, my parents decided to give me 10 gifts! Some of which were and iPod touch 5, a soccer net, and Fifa 15. I thanked my parents so much! It was great! I didn’t know when my birthday party was and we were thinking of doing it with my dad’s birthday which is on June 12th. My parents were thinking something else though. They were going to give me a surprise birthday party! I was at a class on the Friday after my birthday. I was coming in the doorway, and when I rang the doorbell they yelled “SURPRISE!” It was such a surprise, that I fell down. I heard so much laughter. It was great though. My friend even got the tape on my iPod. We also got to have a sleepover. Only my five best friends were there for the surprise though. I loved it. “I hope it’ll be like this next year!” I said.